Category: Events

  • Halloween 2005!

    I’ll post Haloween pictures sometime this week. In the meantime let me introduce you the son of Beelzebub:

  • NIN fuckin’ rocks!

    I was very dissapointed that I missed Nine Inch Nails’ concert at Austin a couple of months ago. I heard about the concert too late and no tickets were available. So when I heard that they were coming to San Antonio (SBC Center), I got all excited about it. I asked my friends and only…

  • Austin City Limits 2005

    Pictures by Tigole Bitties My sister and I headed to the festival around noon. We parked on Trinity and 17th street and walked to 14th street to take the shuttle. There was no line. We go to the park and the ‘Will Call’ process to claim the tickets was quick and easy. Then we rushed…

  • Rita in Austin

    We are expecting Rita to not hit Austin directly. It is expected to be near Austin on saturday with heavy rain and winds. I’m not worried about it, but I’ll be careful. Some things I’m planning to do: – Get some cash – Put important documents in a safe place – Have enough water and…

  • El que no brinque, el que no salte es: Puto!

    After Carlos Vives‘ concert on friday and playing soccer at noon on sunday I was exhausted. But you think that will stop me from going to Molotov‘s concert at Stubb’s? No way José! I went to the concert with my sister, Alejandro, Raffaele, Gustavo and his buddies from Guadalajara. As always (this is my 3rd…

  • Carlos Vives at San Antonio

    Carlos Vives and La Provincia playing La Celosa like a papayera. This friday I went to see Carlos Vives in concert at Sunset Station in San Antonio. I went with my sister, Sandrita, Juan Fernando, Nestor Ceron, Claudia, Paula and Leslie. I also met a lot of people I know over there like Alejandro Asenjo…

  • Summer pictures

    Pictures include Alejandro del Castillo birthday, Alejandro Zepeda and Sayuri’s not quite parents baby shower, Fados, a BBQ at my place and a salsa night at Copa. And now, the trivia of the week: Who is this sexy girl?

  • NI Week – Day Three

    Sorry for not posting sooner about the last NI Week day. I didn’t really spent much time there, since I only attended the morning keynote. It was given by Jeff Clarke, Senior Vice President of Dell Computer Corporation. The main point in the keynote was ‘Standardisation’. When a technology becomes a standard, its cost drops…

  • NI Week – Day two!

    Yesterday the Robolab mentoring went pretty well. I was assigned to a group of guys from an Ohio company called Inoveris that produces digital media (CDs, DVDs, …) and a professor. They were the Robolab challenge champions at NIWeek 2004, so I thought that they were not going to need much help from me. But…

  • NI Week – Day One

    I always thought it was very cool when people go to a conference and daily log their activities. So I’m going to try to do the same. I woke up early today and went with my sister, Marcos, Alejandro, Andres and Raffaele to Las Manitas Mexican restaurant to have breakfast. Then we headed to the…