NI Week – Day One

I always thought it was very cool when people go to a conference and daily log their activities. So I’m going to try to do the same.

I woke up early today and went with my sister, Marcos, Alejandro, Andres and Raffaele to Las Manitas Mexican restaurant to have breakfast. Then we headed to the convention center and got good seats to see the keynote.

The keynote was very cool with very nice demos. The one I liked the most where a Compact Fielpoint system controlling 3 inverted pendulums. Another very cool one was a bearing sorting machine using Vision and Motion products.

Then I went to a presentation from the and they got me really interested into open source development. Perhaps I could try to create a LabVIEW based application, and put it out there as an open source project.

I had lunch with the Integration Services group at PF Changs, and now I’m here waiting to hear a presentation called: Designing Plug-in User Interface Modules in LabVIEW.

Later at 4pm my group will be giving a presentation so I’ll be there as backup.

And at 5:30pm I’m going to be working as a RoboLab mentor for the RoboLab challenge. I hope that works fine.
