Category: News

  • Escopetarras and lousy t-shirts

    This week two interesting news got my attention:The first one is about César López a Colombian musician and Luis Alberto Paredes (a musical instruments manufacturer) who are converting weapons into instruments. This week the colombian vicepresident Francisco Santos, gave César two AK47 from former paramilitars, to have them transformed. The ‘Escopetarras’ (escopeta / gun +…

  • Well done Longhorns!

    The University of Texas (UT) football team won last night the Rose Bowl beating the University of South California (USC) 41-38 and became National Champions. This is a huge accomplishment for the team, for the University and its home town Austin. 1970 was the last time UT won the National Championship. I don’t particularly love…

  • Diego’s wedding!

    Exclusive pictures of Diego’s wedding! Hello all, its 2am, I had already a few Whiskeys but I’m being nice and I’m posting the few pictures I took from Diego’s wedding for all of you loosers who were not cool enough to travel to Colombia. Pics here.

  • A darn good party!

    Check it out here!

  • Re-election aproved in Colombia

    Yesterday the Colombian Constitutional Court has approved the immediate presidential the re-election, which implies that present president Alvaro Uribe Vélez, can be a candidate for the presidential elections of the 2006. This produces me joy and preoccupation at the same time. The good thing is that the present president has great acceptance rating in the…

  • Reelección aprobada en Colombia

    El día de ayer, la Corte Constitucional Colombiana ha aprobado la reelección presidencial inmediata, lo cual implica que el actual presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez, puede postularse para las elecciones presidenciales del 2006. Esta noticia me produce en parte alegría y en parte preocupación. Lo bueno es que el presidente actual tiene gran aceptación en el…

  • Rita in Austin

    We are expecting Rita to not hit Austin directly. It is expected to be near Austin on saturday with heavy rain and winds. I’m not worried about it, but I’ll be careful. Some things I’m planning to do: – Get some cash – Put important documents in a safe place – Have enough water and…

  • Shoking news – update

    Finally I got my garage door opener fixed. A technician told me that mine, was a very old model and that he wont repair it. Instead he offered me to install and new one for $460. I told him that I saw the openers for $250 at Home Depot, so why pay that much? He…

  • Colombia 2 – 1 México!

    I went to Houston to watch Colombia vs Mexico for the Gold Cup 2005 quarterfinals

  • Happy Birthday to me!

    I’m happy to celebrate one more year on earth. And I’m very thankful because this year was full of good things and memories, some of them stamped in this blog: I’m doing great at work, I got my permanent resident (green) card, Jeronimo, Alex Muleiro and Diego got married, I bought a new PowerBook and…