Category: News

  • Microwaves

    This week I purschased a new microwave oven (Sharp R-1505LK) because apparently my old microwave oven was leaking. My old microwave (Kenmore) was a gift from a former housemate and it was about 10 years old. The way I figure it was leaking microwaves was because when I turned it on, my Dish Network signal…

  • 5 years living in Austin

    I moved to Austin 5 years ago (Nov. 3rd 2001) and started working for National Instruments on Nov 12th. Back then I had a short-term (5 years) and a long-term (20+ years) plan: the short-term plan was to get my masters at UT and to save a good amount of money to start my own…

  • Trip to Spain: Episode I

    [Update – 10/24/2006] : My visa just got approved! 😀 Pa’ España me voy! Joder! A few months ago, I was chatting with my friend Carolina Vásquez and I was telling her that the next three places I would like to visit for vacations would be: Australia, Spain and the southern part of south america…

  • Colombia: Superpower in Speed Skating

    No, I’m not joking. Colombia has won the last few world championships of speed skating and it is very close to win it again this year in Anyang – South Korea. It really amazes me that Colombia can beat countries like the USA, Italy, Spain, France, New Zeland, among others. I really can’t understand the…

  • My first story on AgoraVox!

    I was contacted a few weeks ago by AgoraVox, a news web site based on blog entries from authors all over the world. They wanted me to join their community and since all it was required from me, was to allow them to use content from my blog I accepted and joined them. Today I…

  • World Cup 2006 – Jogo Feio

    Another World Cup is over and that only means that we have four boring years ahead! Today the Italians won their 4th World Cup 24 years after they won their last one back in 1982. I must say that the Italian team was very compact and well organized in defense. They played very good as…

  • World Cup 2006 – Now that we’ve seen all the teams…

    This is how I would classify the different teams Candidates to win the WC: Brazil, Spain, Czech Republic and Germany. Brazil obviously is everyone’s favorite, although they didn’t have a great game against Croatia. Spain smashed Ukraine and has a very strong team, with very young players on the attack. The Czechs are not a…

  • Happy 6-6-6!

    My devil picture has been very popular lately on Google Images!

  • Depenalize abortion

    Yesterday the Colombian senate decided to de-penalize abortion in one of the following three situations: The pregnancy occurred because the mother was rapped. The fetus is malformed There is risk for the mother to die during the pregnancy. The Catholic Church in Colombia announced to be against the de-penalization and threat to excommunicate the senators.…

  • New house mate, Tequila, Voting, Arepas, SXSW and others…

    Since I haven’t posted in a while, here is a summary of the past few months: I’ve been working very hard on a project at work and I ‘ve been stressed a bit. But the project is almost done. Last year I was told that I would probably go to Hungary to do some work,…