New house mate, Tequila, Voting, Arepas, SXSW and others…

Since I haven’t posted in a while, here is a summary of the past few months:

I’ve been working very hard on a project at work and I ‘ve been stressed a bit. But the project is almost done.

Last year I was told that I would probably go to Hungary to do some work, but it seems that I won’t be traveling. I was already planning on taking an extra week to visit Chec Republic or some other western europe countries. If I’m not going, I need to see where do I want to spend some nice vacations. My friend Alejandro has been talking about going to Peru in August. It sounds like a nice alternative. Will see later…

Last week I got a new house mate from NIH. His name is Barna and he was born in Cluj a former Hungarian area that now is part of Romania. He is a very cool guy and we are having fun, but he is only going to stay 5 weeks in Austin. I’ll try to learn a few words in Hungarian.

I was also able to vote a couple of weeks ago for the senate and camera elections in Colombia, when the Consulate in Houston came to Austin. The presidential elections will be held at the end of May.

Finally the white corn arepas are back at Fiesta!

Gustavo got married with Lucy, but I couldn’t make it to the wedding in Guadalajara because of work. I wish them both a very happy marriage. As far as I know, no one has published pictures of them on the web.

The story Marcos never published in his blog:
He went to Mexico City a few weeks ago and he took an old passport which didn’t had his US visa on it. Luckily for him, I was in town (same weekend every one was at Gustavo’s wedding), I have a copy of his house keys and I’m a good friend. I sent him the passport via Fedex and he got it on time to come back to the states. Marcos was very thankful and brought me a bottle of Herradura Reposado a very nice tequila.

Herradura Reposado

I watched two of the movies nominated for the past Oscars: Brokeback Mountain and Capote. Both movies are ok. Capote is a bit depressing and I lost 50% of the dialogs in Brokeback Mountain because of the accents. The night of the Oscars, Eva invited us to her house and we all selected our nominees. I did pretty bad: I only guessed correctly about 7 out of 25 categories.

SXSW came to Austin and this year the latin rock bands were not that great. So I didn’t went to the latin rock concert day. I went the day after with Marcos and Nathan and saw a couple of bands. I liked one called Brothers and Sisters.

That’s all folks!

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