Author: admin

  • Chichipanguanorrea revamped!

    After less than one year online, I decided to get serious with Chichipanguanorrea and give it a nicer home. I bought 2.4GB of space at DreamHost to host my site and I also bought the domain. My idea is to host my brother’s, my mother’s and my dad’s sites as well, and also ask…

  • I should be in the credits of Star Wars : Episode III

    Well not really… But the special effects team of the Star Wars movie, used LabVIEW from National Instruments to control the movements of a space ship. Click here to watch the video showing LabVIEW in action!

  • Mac OS X Essentials

    A friend just bought one of the new 12″ PowerBooks and since this is his first mac, I wanted to send him a list of some applications that I use all the time. Here is the list: Quicksilver Application launcher VLC Video player. MPlayer Another videp player Httpmail-plugin Download your Hotmail email to Skype…

  • Home decoration…

    I need your feedback: Which colors you like most? Click here to see the full pictures

  • Wedding at Puebla

    My friends Alejandro Muleiro and Miriam Fraga got married in their home town Puebla (México) last Saturday (Apr. 23rd). I went to the wedding with my friends Alejandro Del Castillo and Raffaele Cetrulo. We took a plane from Houston to Puebla on Friday and stayed until Monday morning. Jeronimo and Daniela and Gustavo and Lucy…

  • Trent Reznor rocks!

    In case you had better things to do last Saturday evening and did not checked on Slashdot, let me tell you that Trent Reznor, the brain behind Nine Inch Nails, one of my favorite bands, just released the new single from NIN's upcoming album as a GarageBand file for fan remixes. GarageBand is an application…

  • A message from Forrito and Pingorocho!

    UUUUUSSSSSAAAAAMMMMMEEEEE!!!!! (English: Use me!) Forrito is a talking condom and Pingorocho is his best friend. Their purpose in life is to make sure people is using condoms to have safe sex. Check out their website. It is hilarious. (requires Macromedia Flash) Suéltala Pingorochooooooooooo!!!!! PD: The animations are created by a company called Paneka Animaestudio,…

  • The world I know

    World map with countries I have visited…

  • Aguardiente for everyone!

    The Official Palace of Drunkness (Palacio Oficial de la Peda) is proud to announce that the Aguardiente is back! 1 garrafa : 1750 ml 2 tetra packs : 1000 ml x 2 5 half bottles : 375 ml x 5 ——————————— Grand total : 5625 ml

  • Colombia tierra querida!

    The last time I went to Colombia was 2 years and 3 months ago, and boy, I was missing the country, the family, the friends, the food and the weather! So I decided to travel to Colombia from March 19-30. Only 11 days to enjoy all the little pleasures that this paradise can offer. Yes…