Wedding at Puebla

My friends Alejandro Muleiro and Miriam Fraga got married in their home town Puebla (México) last Saturday (Apr. 23rd). I went to the wedding with my friends Alejandro Del Castillo and Raffaele Cetrulo. We took a plane from Houston to Puebla on Friday and stayed until Monday morning. Jeronimo and Daniela and Gustavo and Lucy also went to the wedding on their own.

The wedding was really fun, the food was great and it lasted from 2pm to midnight. After that we went to a bar called Tequilazul (or AzulTequila) and stayed there until 4am.

On Sunday morning we had breakfast at Vips and then we walked around Puebla's downtown. Puebla is a beautiful city with lots of churches (including a huge cathedral) and very nice architecture. Later that day we had some food and coffee at “Los Arcos” with Erika and Gris, both friends of Miriam that we met at the wedding. Then we walked across the main park and enjoyed some esquites, which is similar to Colombian Mazamorra, but instead of adding 'panela' (sugar) to it, you use lemon, mayonnaise, cream and chili powder.

Then on Monday morning we took the plane back to Houston and ejoyed a wonderful sunshine with the Popocateptl vulcano.

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