Author: admin

  • La Liga de la Leche

    English version below La Leche League (LLL) o Liga de la Leche es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que ofrece información, apoyo y respaldo a las madres que desean amamantar a sus bebes. Dos meses antes de yo nacer, mi mamá conoció y se unió a la Liga de la Leche y desde entonces…

  • Remebering Don Filemón

    A tribute to the Greatest Corona Man Ever… Have you signed the online petition yet?

  • Molotov: YoFo NoFo ZaFa FoFo

    I have seen better Molotov concerts in Austin, but none the less this one at ‘La Zona Rosa’ was really good too. They played many songs from the first album specially the ones with XXX lyrics. They also did some jamming and played snippets from a few covers like Eye of the tiger (survivor), Smells…

  • The salt and the condiments: a true story

    Salt loves to play with its favorite orange ball, not because it reminds it of its ING bank account or its previous job at Arthur Andersen. Salt simply loves the orange ball. So when I saw those stupid condiments taking the orange ball from salt, I felt really sad. Things will never be the same…

  • Carlos Gaviria visits Austin

    The president of the colombian political party Polo Democrático Carlos Gaviria was one of the speakers invited to the XXVIII Annual ILASSA Student Conference. His speech was basically a critique of the current government because it claims that Colombia has a strong democracy while he considers that many aspects of Colombia’s situation (like the high…

  • No more FARC in Austin

    This coming February 4th: join us in the mobilization against FARC. It is really sad to see how the “Colombianos en UT” group have changed the main objective for the mobilization. Here is the text they sent through the “Asociación de Colombianos en Austin”: Please join us Monday, February 4 2008 10:30 am at South…

  • January and the movies (without spoilers)

    Sweeny Todd I like Tim Burton’s movies and this movie is amazing from many aspects, but some how I didn’t enjoyed the movie a whole lot. I can appreciate how well done the movie is, but it didn’t entertain me. No country for old man Great movie with a magnificent performance by Javier Bardem. Too…

  • Skin Tight

    Last night I finished reading the book Skin Tight from Carl Hiassen. I must say that I really enjoyed the book and I have to blame it for a few nights I went to bed later than I should had. The main character is a retired detective Mick Stranahan and someone wants to kill him…

  • Writing in the middle of nowhere

    It is 8:52pm on a monday of 2008 and I just challenged myself to write a post for my blog using a trial version of the application WriteRoom. I read about this application last night on Slashdot when some people were complaining that text editors like Microsoft Word are cluttered with so many user interface…

  • My new MacBook

    Finally I can tell you all about my new MacBook. I bought it last November but I couldn’t publish anything about it in this blog because I wanted to surprise my mother because I gave her my previous laptop as a present. I’m very pleased with the MacBook but I have to admit that there…