Category: Thoughts

  • World Cup 2006 – First round summary

    Group A Germany had a very solid first round winning all three games. Ecuador, after having great performances against Poland and Costa Rica played a regular game against Germany. Group B England finished at the top of its group but they didn’t looked unbeatable after the game with Sweden. Sweden improved some from its first…

  • World Cup 2006 – Now that we’ve seen all the teams…

    This is how I would classify the different teams Candidates to win the WC: Brazil, Spain, Czech Republic and Germany. Brazil obviously is everyone’s favorite, although they didn’t have a great game against Croatia. Spain smashed Ukraine and has a very strong team, with very young players on the attack. The Czechs are not a…

  • Depenalize abortion

    Yesterday the Colombian senate decided to de-penalize abortion in one of the following three situations: The pregnancy occurred because the mother was rapped. The fetus is malformed There is risk for the mother to die during the pregnancy. The Catholic Church in Colombia announced to be against the de-penalization and threat to excommunicate the senators.…

  • Four years in Austin at National Instruments

    On November 3rd of 2001 I moved to Austin, Texas to start a new stage of my life, to write a new chapter. The 23+ years I spent in Medellín since the day I was born were over. Actually it sounds more dramatic than what actually was: I was very excited with the challenge of…

  • Re-election aproved in Colombia

    Yesterday the Colombian Constitutional Court has approved the immediate presidential the re-election, which implies that present president Alvaro Uribe Vélez, can be a candidate for the presidential elections of the 2006. This produces me joy and preoccupation at the same time. The good thing is that the present president has great acceptance rating in the…

  • Reelección aprobada en Colombia

    El día de ayer, la Corte Constitucional Colombiana ha aprobado la reelección presidencial inmediata, lo cual implica que el actual presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez, puede postularse para las elecciones presidenciales del 2006. Esta noticia me produce en parte alegría y en parte preocupación. Lo bueno es que el presidente actual tiene gran aceptación en el…

  • Paranoia de aquello imposible que tal vez fuere…

    Esta joya me la encontré viendo archivos viejos en mi computadora del trabajo… Paranoia de aquello imposible que tal vez fuere… No se, todo comenzó como una idea, un hito sin flujo. Los retrazados lo pedían a gritos, sin embargo nadie podía contener la inercia de tanta vanidad. En aquel dia las campañas y aquellos…

  • To World Cup or not to World Cup?

    The south american qualifiers for the World Cup Germany 2006 are getting hotter. Argentina has already qualified. Brasil and Ecuador are almost qualified. And the battle for 4th and 5th position is between Paraguay, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay. Venezuela still has options while Peru and Bolivia are eliminated now. Check the standings here. Colombia wasn’t…

  • Let's make a toast…

    < ![CDATA[Por ellas, por las más bellas, aunque toque pagar por ellas, siempre estarán ahí… …las botellas. To them, the most beautiful, even if I have to pay for them, they will always be here… …the bottles

  • Don't mess with Texas?

    I wanted to write something about the slogan “Don't mess with Texas” for a long time. To me is a very aggressive and unfriendly slogan. Don't get me wrong. I'm in favor of having campaigns and slogans to prevent littering. But I just think that you have many options to do it, and being aggressive…