Election day
High Fidelity
BOOK The author is Nick Hornby and the book is from 1995. The main character is Rob: a mid thirties bloke that owns a small record store and used to be a DJ and loved it. He thinks you should own at least 1000 records to prove that you appreciate and know music. He hates…
Cuca Fresca
From Brazil with Love: Cuca Fresca!
Medellín 2008: Corralejas
Picture by Luis Pérez A corraleja is a typical celebration from the Colombian coast regions where people gather in a place similar to a bullfight ring and fight several bulls. The difference with a bullfight is that there is no matador in corralejas, but anyone can jump in and fight the bull. And the bull…
30 years and counting
It has been almost a month since I wrote my last post two days before my birthday. I have to thank everyone who made it to my birthday party. It was really fun. I also want to thank all the friends and family members that sent me happy birthday wishes through emails, instant messages, phone…
The path to 30
Thirty years ago, on June 8, 1978, Intel Corp. introduced its first 16-bit microprocessor, the 8086, with a splashy ad heralding “the dawn of a new era.” Overblown? Sure, but also prophetic. While the 8086 was slow to take off, its underlying architecture — later referred to as x86 — would become one of technology’s…
Remebering Don Filemón
A tribute to the Greatest Corona Man Ever… Have you signed the online petition yet?
Carlos Gaviria visits Austin
The president of the colombian political party Polo Democrático Carlos Gaviria was one of the speakers invited to the XXVIII Annual ILASSA Student Conference. His speech was basically a critique of the current government because it claims that Colombia has a strong democracy while he considers that many aspects of Colombia’s situation (like the high…
No more FARC in Austin
This coming February 4th: join us in the mobilization against FARC. It is really sad to see how the “Colombianos en UT” group have changed the main objective for the mobilization. Here is the text they sent through the “Asociación de Colombianos en Austin”: Please join us Monday, February 4 2008 10:30 am at South…
Happy Holidays 2007
Designed by JD Chichipanguanorrea 3.0 staff wishes you love and joy during these holidays and an amazing new year 2008. This time we are very sorry we could not hire neither Ugly Santa nor Ugly Elf, but we put together this beautiful christmas tree to keep the holiday spirit alive and we hope you enjoy…