Category: Politics

  • Why am I leaving the USA

    Originally written 10/6/2023, but only published now. At the time I did not feel the need to dump this “shit” on the USA because I still have lots of loved ones living there and I know these words will read like daggers specially to the folks that can’t easily get out like I did. I…

  • brewery plans update

    This is a less verbose English version update of my brewery plans that partially repeats some of the information posted here. 2001 – Graduated from Computer Science degree in Medellín, Colombia and moved to Austin, Texas to work for National Instruments. 2014 – Unhappy with role and salary at National Instruments began the process of…

  • El día que Colombia le dijo NO a una paz regularcita

    Imaginen una persona de de 47 años que luego de haber aplicado fallidamente a la universidad varias veces en su vida, por fin la aceptan en el 2011. Por cinco años se quiebra el coco y estudia juiciosa y trata de sacar las mejores notas, pero pues no siempre le va bien en los exámenes.…

  • New President, new look

    I’m so happy Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States that I went ahead and updated my blog look. [poll id=”1″]

  • Election day

  • Carlos Gaviria visits Austin

    The president of the colombian political party Polo Democrático Carlos Gaviria was one of the speakers invited to the XXVIII Annual ILASSA Student Conference. His speech was basically a critique of the current government because it claims that Colombia has a strong democracy while he considers that many aspects of Colombia’s situation (like the high…

  • No more FARC in Austin

    This coming February 4th: join us in the mobilization against FARC. It is really sad to see how the “Colombianos en UT” group have changed the main objective for the mobilization. Here is the text they sent through the “Asociación de Colombianos en Austin”: Please join us Monday, February 4 2008 10:30 am at South…

  • Depenalize abortion

    Yesterday the Colombian senate decided to de-penalize abortion in one of the following three situations: The pregnancy occurred because the mother was rapped. The fetus is malformed There is risk for the mother to die during the pregnancy. The Catholic Church in Colombia announced to be against the de-penalization and threat to excommunicate the senators.…

  • Re-election aproved in Colombia

    Yesterday the Colombian Constitutional Court has approved the immediate presidential the re-election, which implies that present president Alvaro Uribe Vélez, can be a candidate for the presidential elections of the 2006. This produces me joy and preoccupation at the same time. The good thing is that the present president has great acceptance rating in the…

  • Reelección aprobada en Colombia

    El día de ayer, la Corte Constitucional Colombiana ha aprobado la reelección presidencial inmediata, lo cual implica que el actual presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez, puede postularse para las elecciones presidenciales del 2006. Esta noticia me produce en parte alegría y en parte preocupación. Lo bueno es que el presidente actual tiene gran aceptación en el…