World Cup 2006 – First round summary
Group A Germany had a very solid first round winning all three games. Ecuador, after having great performances against Poland and Costa Rica played a regular game against Germany. Group B England finished at the top of its group but they didn’t looked unbeatable after the game with Sweden. Sweden improved some from its first…
World Cup 2006 – Now that we’ve seen all the teams…
This is how I would classify the different teams Candidates to win the WC: Brazil, Spain, Czech Republic and Germany. Brazil obviously is everyone’s favorite, although they didn’t have a great game against Croatia. Spain smashed Ukraine and has a very strong team, with very young players on the attack. The Czechs are not a…
Happy 6-6-6!
My devil picture has been very popular lately on Google Images!
Summer Vacations ’06
This past weekend I went to Monterrey, Mexico with Marcos and Eva. We stayed for 4 days and we did lots of cultural activities including seeing a live concert of Gustavo Cerati, a performance by the argentinian group De La Guarda, visiting the Marco museum which had an exhibit of Ricardo Legorreta and the Museum…
Amazing goalkeeper goal
The colombian goalkeeper Neco Martinez scores a goal from his area in the friendly match vs Poland that Colombia won 2-1. So far Colombia has played with Ecuador (1-1) and with Poland (2-1) and it is going to play soon with Germany. Those 3 teams (and Costa Rica) are in the Group A for the…
La polla 2006 is here!
Click here to play the Polla 2006 for the World Cup. INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO PLAY LA POLLA… ONLY $10 AND LOTS OF FUN! – Papito, vas a jugar la polla? – Si vendo otros 10 libros, me juego la polla! – Ala! será que me alcanza esta quincena para jugar la polla?
Ministry: from dance to industrial metal
A co-worker and friend of mine who is in his 40’s (and I’m guessing here) and who likes music from the 70’s and 80’s told me today that he likes Ministry. I was shocked since I know Ministry is a very hard core/industrial/metal band and there was no way for this guy to like it.…
Depenalize abortion
Yesterday the Colombian senate decided to de-penalize abortion in one of the following three situations: The pregnancy occurred because the mother was rapped. The fetus is malformed There is risk for the mother to die during the pregnancy. The Catholic Church in Colombia announced to be against the de-penalization and threat to excommunicate the senators.…
Still having issues with my PowerBook
A few months ago I had problems with my PowerBook when I was organizing all the pictures I took in my last trip to Colombia. While working on iPhoto, the PB froze and I had to hold the power button for a few seconds to shut it down. When I turned the PB back on,…
Dolor de hincha
Estoy emputado que el Atlético Nacional haya perdido por goleada anoche. Es que de unos años para acá, cualquiera golea a Nacional: San Lorenzo en la final de la sudamericana, Cienciano en cuartos de final y América de México en octavos. Tolima en la copa mustang 2006 y anoche Liga Deportiva Universitaria de Quito por…