Author: admin

  • Chichipanguanorrea goes Spanish

    A deep apology to the english native speaker readers of Chichipanguanorrea, but this is going to be the last english-written post you will read here. I’m now going to write in spanish because it is my native language and I can be more eloquent at it. However I will still publish english versions of some…

  • Trip to Virginia (Pictures)

    Blacksburg, Virginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) Christmas party Dixie Caverns Cascade Falls (Jefferson National Forest, Pembroke)

  • Happy Holidays 2008

    Another great year is almost over and to carry on with the tradition we started back in 2004, this holiday season the Chichipanguanorrea staff is proud to bring you the ugly reindeer. We wanted to hire ugly Santa again or even one of his ugly Elves. Unfortunately since the government has decided to NOT bail…

  • High dynamic range (HDR) imaging

    High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging is the process of taking several pictures of the same subject with different exposures and then combining all of them to produce an image with a wide range of intensity levels. In other words, HDR uses the pictures with longer exposure to obtain more detail and color on the darker…

  • All the turkeys in tha house, c’mon and let me hear you say Ho!

    Eating turkey and shopping during black Friday are the two most important things you must do during the Thanksgiving holidays. I’ve been keeping this secret for many years, but I think it is time to share with the world two important facts about me: * I’ve never cooked a turkey * I’ve never gone shopping…

  • Museo MARCO: Water

    Check this video I made from my last visit to the MARCO Museum in Monterrey, México High quality version available here.

  • Loving the Paella

    Last Friday I was hanging with some friends enjoying a few beers at the Crown and Anchor pub when someone mentioned that the 6th Annual Paella Lovers United was going to be held on Saturday. I’ve never heard about this Paella event so my friend explained how it works: several teams compete by cooking Paellas…

  • Algebra Age Word Problem

    Ten years ago, Ricardo had two and a half times Daniel’s age. Today is Ricardo’s birthday and now Daniel is half of his age. How old is Ricardo turning today? Problem statement Solution Happy Birthday dad!!! Nobody should attempt to obtain the value of d.

  • New President, new look

    I’m so happy Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States that I went ahead and updated my blog look. [poll id=”1″]

  • Election day