My laptop and SLR camera got stolen last July 20th from my house. I’m posting the model and serial numbers of both in case someone ever searches for them. That way they will know that these are stolen items and who these items belonged to.
Apple MacBook (white) 13.3″ 2.2GHz 2GB 500GB
Model: MB062LL/B
Serial number: W8743JX1Z63
Nikon D40x camera with 18-135mm lens
Camera serial number: 3095307
Lens serial number: 2378184
9 responses to “Stolen laptop and camera”
no MANCHES, they stole it from your house? Did they break in? Did they take anything else? I’m so sorry (and angry) to hear that.
Yes they broke in through one of the windows in my bedroom. They only managed to take these two main items. They wanted to take the TV too cause they moved it a bit, but decided it was too heavy or just run out of time. I already made the insurance claim and got a check that covers half of what got stolen.
siento especialmente lo de la camara, hasta yo le tenía cariño.
jajaja! cariño???
a la cámara – sí, al que la traía – también, a los dos juntos – no siempre!
oh, and by the way, surfing the about this site part – the exact pronunciation of this blog’s name would be [t?it?i?pan?uano?rea]
Sorry it doesn’t look like IPA at all, but it is.
Sincerely, Cristin the Linguist
well now the comment function doesn’t support ipa-characters, it does look like ipa.
Can you type it in a text editor that supports ipa, take a screenshot and send it to me? now I’m curious to know what you were trying to type.
I wasn’t trying to, I did! Sent it off just now.