Category: Thoughts

  • Why am I leaving the USA

    Originally written 10/6/2023, but only published now. At the time I did not feel the need to dump this “shit” on the USA because I still have lots of loved ones living there and I know these words will read like daggers specially to the folks that can’t easily get out like I did. I…

  • Privacy and security in the covid-19 times

    With everyone staying home the use of online platforms for communication has increased and with that the inherent problems that some platforms have when it comes to protecting security and privacy increases too. So why not use this opportunity to share some best practices I follow in order to keep myself and those I communicate…

  • brewery plans update

    This is a less verbose English version update of my brewery plans that partially repeats some of the information posted here. 2001 – Graduated from Computer Science degree in Medellín, Colombia and moved to Austin, Texas to work for National Instruments. 2014 – Unhappy with role and salary at National Instruments began the process of…

  • Programming Interview Tips

    Behavioral Questions Think about good examples you can describe from school (or internship) projects that were successful, in which you played an important role. Think about projects that went wrong initially and how the situation was corrected. What did you learn from the situation? what would you do different next time? think about a difficult…

  • Barrel Assembly

    Corría el año 2014 y luego de trabajar por 13 años en National Instruments estaba listo para probar nuevos rumbos. Comencé a mirar oportunidades de trabajo disponibles y la verdad ninguna parecía llenar mis expectativas. Sin embargo me animé a una entrevista con Roku en Austin. No me fue bien y ahí me dí cuenta…

  • Felices Fiestas 2015-2016

    Por el trajín de la temporada decembrina no pudimos hacer nuestro tradicional mensaje festivo hace un par de semanas, sin embargo aunque ya un poco tarde, queremos desearle a todos nuestros queridos lectores unas felices fiestas para 2015 y un maravilloso 2016 lleno de felicidad, alegría y macarena. Para esto los dejamos con nuestro L.…

  • Farewell NI

    After 13+ years today is my last day at my job at National Instruments. Mixed feelings of sadness and excitement for what’s to come. It’s been truly a pleasure and an honor working with such wonderful people who I will deeply miss. To all of you who helped me along the way: Thank you. What’s…

  • Love

    Thanks National Instruments.

  • Y las felices fiestas para el 2014?

    Recientemente, recibimos una queja formal de una de nuestras más queridas lectoras, quién nos indagó el por qué no hubo un mensaje deseando unas felices fiestas 2014 de parte de Chichipanguanorrea y su personal. Luego de extensas investigaciones, introspección personal, soul searching y otras pendejadas, hemos concluido que la razón por la cual no fue…

  • Felices Fiestas 2013!

    Chichipanguanorrea les desea unas felices fiestas ahora que se acaba otro año fiscal. Que el primer trimestre del año 2014 les traiga buenos resultados contables pero sobre todo alegría macarena que tu cuerpo es pa darle alegría y cosa buena.