Wikimedia Commons – Description = Bandeja Paisa – Source = – Date = 12/16/06 – Author = Wikipedia Author F3rn4nd0 – Permission = Author released into public domain
Every time I come to Medellín it is mandatory for me to eat as many typical dishes as possible and this time it hasn´t been the exception.
These are the things I´ve been able to enjoy in the past few days:
- Picada (chorizo, chicharron, platain, arepa, beef, chicken, french fries: all mixed) at El Rancherito restaurant
- Sancocho with beef and chicken
- Ajiaco (thanks to my aunt Margarita)
- Mondongo (from the only restaurant I would ever eat a Mondongo: Mondongo´s)
- Arepa de huevo, arepa blanca, arepa de queso, arepa blanca redondita
- Sobrebarriga con hogao
This list will be updated soon with more dishes!
No worries, the Bandeja Paisa will be there!