Skin Tight

Skin Tight - Carl Hiassen
Last night I finished reading the book Skin Tight from Carl Hiassen. I must say that I really enjoyed the book and I have to blame it for a few nights I went to bed later than I should had. The main character is a retired detective Mick Stranahan and someone wants to kill him because of an unresolved crime he investigated years ago.

I have to blame my sister Ana Maria for putting this book on my night stand. She told me: “You should read this book, I’m sure you are going to like it”. I was supposed to finish the book in December before she returned back to Medellín on new years day, but it took me longer than that to finish it.

I’m definitely going to look for other books from Hiassen at Half Price Books.

If you enjoy this kind of light reading you should give it a try.

One response to “Skin Tight”

  1. Glad you liked it!
    Some other good titles: Basket Case, Skinny Dip, Tourist Season, Sick Puppy. Or if you get different ones we can exchange them in August!