ACL 2007 wrap up

Update: Pictures available here.

You gotta love Austin. The festival this year was great.

I arrived with my friend Luis on friday around 4:30pm and the first band we saw was Queens of the stone age. I had already seen them two years ago when they opened the NIN concert in San Antonio and I really liked their show so I wanted to check them out again. The show was great with lots of energy. It was a great start.

The second band I saw was Gotan Project. This band is awesome. The band has a pianist, a bandoneonist, a clasic guitar player, 3 or 4 violinists, a singer and two DJs. Their music is a fusion between tango and lounge music and its incredible.

Björk was the last artist I saw on friday. She was great and had a large group of musicians playing with her. Her voice is amazing and she totally gives herself to the crowd.

On Saturday I got to the festival around 2pm. I saw the band Augustana which was pretty good and then I saw Blue October which was great too. I really like their song Hate me. Then I went to see the Colombian band Aterciopelados. I was really close to the stage wearing my ‘aguadas’ hat and my colombian flag. It was a great show with lots of energy and dancing. The crowd loved them and they did 3 extra songs at the end after we screamed ‘otra!’ a few times. This normally doesn’t happen at ACL. Bands are not supposed to play longer than what is scheduled, but since they were the last band in that stage I suppose it was ok.

Muse was the last band I saw at ACL since I didn’t make it on sunday. I really really really like Muse and the sound great live. They totally made up for the White Stripes who decided last minute not to come to the festival.

The only dissapointment of the festival is the fact that I couldn’t bring my new camera. I really wanted to take nice photos but I brought my point and shot camera and the pictures aren’t that great but I’ll post them soon anyway.

To summarize, the 3 shows I liked the most were:

  • Muse
  • Aterciopelados
  • Gotan Project
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5 responses to “ACL 2007 wrap up”

  1. ¿Y aracade fire?, ¿no los viste o no te impresionaron?. Como sea que envidia, extraño la oportunidad de ir al ACL.

  2. No, no vi Arcade Fire… creo que eran el domingo y ese dia no fui al festival…

    Otras bandas que hubiera querido ver y no vi: Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, Bloc Party, Ziggy Marley, Stephen Marley, …