No more FARC in Austin
This coming February 4th: join us in the mobilization against FARC. It is really sad to see how the “Colombianos en UT” group have changed the main objective for the mobilization. Here is the text they sent through the “Asociación de Colombianos en Austin”: Please join us Monday, February 4 2008 10:30 am at South…
Confesiones de un ex-fan de Maná¡
Hoy voy a confesar algo que me causa verguenza contar, pero que igual lo comparto con mis lectores para que vean que el errar es humano: Confieso que a la edad de los 13 o 14 años fui con mi hermanita y sus amigas a un concierto de Maná. Fué mi primer gran concierto y…
Depenalize abortion
Yesterday the Colombian senate decided to de-penalize abortion in one of the following three situations: The pregnancy occurred because the mother was rapped. The fetus is malformed There is risk for the mother to die during the pregnancy. The Catholic Church in Colombia announced to be against the de-penalization and threat to excommunicate the senators.…
Re-election aproved in Colombia
Yesterday the Colombian Constitutional Court has approved the immediate presidential the re-election, which implies that present president Alvaro Uribe Vélez, can be a candidate for the presidential elections of the 2006. This produces me joy and preoccupation at the same time. The good thing is that the present president has great acceptance rating in the…
Reelección aprobada en Colombia
El dÃa de ayer, la Corte Constitucional Colombiana ha aprobado la reelección presidencial inmediata, lo cual implica que el actual presidente Ãlvaro Uribe Vélez, puede postularse para las elecciones presidenciales del 2006. Esta noticia me produce en parte alegrÃa y en parte preocupación. Lo bueno es que el presidente actual tiene gran aceptación en el…
Review of Motorola V330 and T-Mobile
About two months ago, I decided that it was time to give my old Nokia cellphone a break. I had it for about 2.5 years and it always worked very well. My original carrier was AT&T and then they merged with Cingular. The service with AT&T was always very good. I always had excellent signal…
Shocking news!
Not exaclty the kind of shocking news you’ll expect: Yesterday, there was a big thunder storm in Austin. I was at work during it and it didn’t seemed too bad. When I got home, I sat in front of the TV and suddenly noticed that it was smelling like an electrical component was burning. I…