Happy Birthday to me!

I’m happy to celebrate one more year on earth. And I’m very thankful because this year was full of good things and memories, some of them stamped in this blog: I’m doing great at work, I got my permanent resident (green) card, Jeronimo, Alex Muleiro and Diego got married, I bought a new PowerBook and a Drum Set, Nacional got its 8th championship, I went to Colombia on easter, my sister moved to Albany and my brother to Valencia, NI Eagles was promoted to first division, … can’t complain!

I’ll do my best to keep this next year as exciting as the one that ends today…

Thanks to everyone who sent me an email, a greeting card, gave me a phone call or left a comment in my blog! Also thanks to my friends that showed up at Habana. All I can say is that I had a really great birthday!

Check the pictures from Habana.


5 responses to “Happy Birthday to me!”


    Ya Nacional le dio el regalo de mi parte, jeje…

    saludes desde los UK, y nos piyamos en colombia en diciembre!

    suerte, se cuida!

  2. Felicitaciones!!! Me alegra que hayas tenido un año tan genial, asi que no hay que bajar los estándares y el que viene tendrá que ser mejor! Te mando muchos picos y abrazos, espero que nos volvamos a ver antes de que se acabe este año, y que celebres hoy con todos los fierros. Yo me tomaré uno a tu nombre!!

  3. DANI, SAPO VERDE!!! COMO EL VERDE DEL NAL!! te extrañamos pa las celebraciones… de tu cumple y de la copa, pero te tenemos presente. XOXO, FELICITACIONES!!