Super Awesome Firemans #4 Ultimate Fitness Program – day 30

Day 30 – Mission Accomplished
Day 30 Day 30 Day 30 Day 30 Day 30 Day 30

Celebrating the completion of my Super Awesome Firemans #4 Ultimate Fitness Program the same day as my 32nd birthday was the best coincidence ever. Thanks to all the friends that made it to the Spider House and join me in this wonderful celebration, thanks to the gorgeous waitresses for keeping my glass full of tasty beer, thanks to Maria and Onur for the delicious chocolate cake, thanks to Nairn for the bottle of Cognac, thanks to everyone that wished me happy birthday on facebook and orkut (shame on you hi5 friends!), thanks to the ING Bank for giving me a 15% discount at their online store (???), thanks to all the people that followed my blog during this journey, and special thanks to Alejandro and Karina for not letting me quit on it during the rough times. Also special thanks to the people of Real Ale Brewing Company for making such a fun and tasty beer!

Day Height Weight Facial hair Pants size Juggling skills Mood Enjoyment Level Random number Feeling better?
1 5’1 Under 150 lb 14 y.o mustache 30 6 Exhausted 100% 7300 Yes!
2 5’1 Under 150 lb 15 y.o mustache UK 26-28 3 Confused 95% 437679 I think so
3 5’1 Under 150 lb 14 y.o mustache S 13 Ecstatic 99% -2 Most definitely
4 5’1 Under 150 lb 18 y.o mustache / beard shade None 4 Guilty 87% 2147500037 As good as it gets!
5 5’1 Under 150 lb 14 y.o mustache / 2 day beard shade S 10 Suspicious 86.6% 11648 Can’t complain
6 5’1 Under 150 lb 13 y.o mustache / 3 day beard shade None 4 Angry 95.25% 41 Indeed
7 5’1 Under 150 lb 16 y.o mustache 31 3 Hysterical 185% 0.715433895587921 What kind of question is that?
8 5’1 Under 150 lb 17 y.o mustache 29 0 Frustrated 15% 69 Oui
9 5’1 Under 150 lb 18 y.o mustache 31 10 Sad 89% 4 8 15 16 23 42 Like a Silver Stallion
10 5’1 Under 150 lb Not-quite-Tom-Selleck mustache S (28-30) 14 Confident 100% 3 Affirmative
11 5’1 Under 150 lb Still-not-quite-Tom-Selleck mustache None 11 Embarrassed 3000% 1-2-3 Granted
12 5’1 Under 150 lb Clean like a baby’s butt 30 3 Happy 82% 0xFFFFFFFF Sure thing
13 5’1 Under 150 lb 24 hour beer shade 29 0 Mischievous 99.9% Unquestionably
14 5’1 Under 150 lb 48 hour beer shade 29-30 4 Disgusted 4% -∞ Precisely
15 5’1 Under 150 lb Nothin’ 31 0 Frightened 21.49% 666 Most assuredly
16 5’1 Under 150 lb Almost nothin’ S 4 Enraged 100.00% ¾ Indubitably
17 5’1 Under 150 lb Some 30 29 Ashamed 101% 815 Aye
18 5’1 Under 150 lb Well shaved 31 9 Cautious 500% 3735928559 Beyond a doubt
19 5’1 Under 150 lb Not sure M N/A Smug 85.75% 21 ( By all means
20 5’1 Under 150 lb Not much S 12 Depressed 97% 91829 Exactly
21 5’1 Under 150 lb Enough to show in the picture 31 4 Overwhelmed 61% 101 Gladly
22 5’1 Under 150 lb Week long beard None 16 Hopeful 100% 0.001643721971153 + 0.822467633298876i Of course
23 5’1 Under 150 lb Well shaved 29 N/A Lonely 98% 1002 Precisely
24 5’1 Under 150 lb Still sort of well shaved 30 21 Lovestruck 33.33% 1003 Agreed
25 5’1 Under 150 lb Mild beard 31 N/A Jealous 100% 17 Naturally
26 5’1 Under 150 lb Can’t remember 30 16 Bored 94% 657684565534854 Yep
27 5’1 Under 150 lb Clean clean clean 32 Forgot to try Surprised 400% 1144 Certainly
28 5’1 Under 150 lb Very clean 29-31 2 Anxious 97.3% 1 Surely
29 5’1 Under 150 lb Very clean 29-30 0 Shocked 99.69% 451 Positively
30 5’1 Under 150 lb 30h beard shade 30 30 Shy 130% 30 Yeah

2 responses to “Super Awesome Firemans #4 Ultimate Fitness Program – day 30”

  1. ¡Muchas felicidades! (no sólo por el cumpleaños). Hasta las metas más absurdas son dignas de celebración cuando se cumplen.

  2. Debo decir que es sorprendente que tus habilidades para el malabarismo hayan alcanzado un promedio de 8.77 en el último mes, aunque aun no sabemos cual es la escala en la que fueron medidas. No tan sorprendente es el hecho de que la ausencia de pantalones haya coincidido con niveles de disfrute superiores al 87%, alcanzando el máximo en ese arrollador 3000%, muy por encima del promedio de disfrute de 208.54%, nada mal por cierto pero un poco contradictorio con los 17 estados de ánimo negativos, contra 6 positivos y 7 neutros.
    No tengo mucho que concluir acerca del 2.9895E+13 numero aleatorio promedio, sin embargo el día 15 deja algo de preocupación…
    Finalmente, es un poco desconcertante que el único día en que evades la respuesta de si te sientes mejor con el típico cliché de respuesta de los que no quieren responder haya sido el día de cumpleaños de tu hermano, de lo cual podemos concluir un profundo temor a envejecer, comprobado por la simple respuesta del último día, sumada a un tímido estado de animo.

    Suerte con tu próximo proyecto!! 😉