Trip to Spain: Toledo

Yesterday I went to Toledo with Idoia. You take the metro to the Mendez Alvaro station and from there you take a bus that takes you to Toledo in 1 hour. The city is amazing. Is a maze with streets facing all directions and with great buildings all around. There is a big cathedral, mosques and synagogues all over the place. In the street, you see lots of small stores that carry swords, armors and lots of crafts. For lunch I had a brocoli and shrimp soup, deer (probably the first time I tried), dessert (apple ice cream) and the most delicious olives I ever had.

After we came back from Toledo we went to a place to have churros with chocolate. Very yummy and unhealthy. Today Im going to Museo del Prado. The weather is supposed to be good, because tomorrow is going to rain 🙁