Category: Photo

  • Viaje a Australia y Nueva Zelanda – parte 2

    Septiembre 3 – Playas del norte, Sydney El Jueves nos lanzamos a conocer las playas del norte. Primero fuimos a la marina Albora y luego manejamos al mirador West Head Lookout. La vista desde ahí era increible. Se ve por ejemplo Palm beach a la cual fuimos luego. La arena en Palm beach es anaranjada…

  • Viaje a Australia y Nueva Zelanda – parte 1

    Hace dos semanas regresé de mi viaje de 4 semanas en Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Aún no termino de organizar las 4500 fotos que tomé y apenas hoy comencé a escribir las crónicas de mi viaje las cuales estoy escribiendo un poco a la ligera, porque ya quiero poder publicar y compartir algo con mis…

  • Pura vida!

    Costa Rica es un lugar encantador, con gente amable, una estupenda infraestructura para el turismo, y con una espléndida flora y fauna. Allí disfruté de unas merecidas vacaciones entre el 7 y el 14 de Junio de 2009. El principal motivo del viaje, era asistir a la boda de mis amigos Jocelly y Steve en…

  • Trip to Virginia (Pictures)

    Blacksburg, Virginia Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) Christmas party Dixie Caverns Cascade Falls (Jefferson National Forest, Pembroke)

  • High dynamic range (HDR) imaging

    High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging is the process of taking several pictures of the same subject with different exposures and then combining all of them to produce an image with a wide range of intensity levels. In other words, HDR uses the pictures with longer exposure to obtain more detail and color on the darker…

  • Loving the Paella

    Last Friday I was hanging with some friends enjoying a few beers at the Crown and Anchor pub when someone mentioned that the 6th Annual Paella Lovers United was going to be held on Saturday. I’ve never heard about this Paella event so my friend explained how it works: several teams compete by cooking Paellas…

  • Road trip to New Mexico

    View Larger Map Last weekend Cristin and I went on a road trip to New Mexico and visited some of its sites. We wanted to see Santa Fe, but besides that nothing was planned. I took Friday off at work and we drove from Austin to Santa Rosa where we spent the night. Santa Rosa…

  • Medellin 2008: The pictures

    Pictures from my trip to Medellín.

  • Posting your pictures online

    Sharing your pictures on the web seems like a very trivial matter, right? well I can tell you it is not that trivial. Here is my story. Back in 2004 when I first created Chichipanguanorrea I chose Fotopic as the solution for sharing my pictures. The interface was ugly but uploading the pictures was very…

  • Austin hidden treasures

    Rocks path Originally uploaded by Daniel Jaramillo Today I decided to drive around Capital of Texas Highway / 360 and find neat places to take pictures of. That is how I discovered the Bull Creek District Park.